Our hearts go out to the families, friends and community of the slain members of the Emanuel AME Church of Charleston, South Carolina. We shall forever keep their spirits alive and work...FIGHT HARD...to make this world a better place for our children to feel safe...to be safe...to have faith in their FUTURE. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US SHALL PROSPER.
Behind the smoke screen of the slap!
There is so much more to this McKinney, Texas "POOL PARTY" that we must be diligent and proactive in getting up to speed on what is at the CORE of the problem.
RESPECT4PEOPLE Realistically, how in the world CAN U value GOD and not HIS WORKS? RESPECT4PEOPLE Either U value GOD's creations or U DO NOT. #PERIOD Any town with a nice swimming pool is subject to shenanigans without a RESPECT 4PEOPLE. If there are racist undercurrents brewing...trust what is in the dark WILL come to light! ARE U EQUIPPED IN YOUR ZIP CODE TO DEAL? How DO U know? The Supreme Court is poised to make a historic decision in the month of June 2015. It has the sweeping potential of setting back the clock on housing discrimination to the 1960's...just like the VOTING DECISION of 2013. PLEASE VILLAGE STAY FOCUSED! Instead of bickering over the videos and FOX NEWS DISTRACTIONS...independently conduct some basic research on how YOUR ZIP CODE would respond to a NEW SUPREME COURT RULING by attending the next city council meeting. #BEPROACTIVE #DONTGETCAUGHTOFFGUARDAGAIN #ASKYOURLEGISLATURESBEFORETHEYAREELECTEDHOWTHEYFEEL #DONTGETDISTRACTEDBYTHEFRINGEREPORTING KEY ARTICLE |
advocate (n.) mid-14c., "one whose profession is to plead cases in a court of justice," a technical term from Roman law, from Old French avocat "barrister, advocate, spokesman," from Latin advocatus "one called to aid; a pleader, advocate," noun use of past participle of advocare "to call" (as witness or advisor) from ad- "to" (see ad-) + vocare"to call," related to vocem (see voice (n.)). Also in Middle English as "one who intercedes for another," and "protector, champion, patron." Feminine forms advocatess, advocatrice were in use in 15c." Source: Onlyne Etymology Dictionary Black Parent ConnectOur mission is to create, support and report activity that removes BARRIERS for children of our members. Archives
July 2020
Forming NOW!
Our family is working with like minds to DO vs. YAP. We are forming a progressive membership organization of trained advocates that acts to improve the lives of those whose voices are unheard.
Our PETAC investigates our areas of concern.
Nobody seems to care until our concern is ...
1-Heard by boardroom
2-Felt by stockprice