This is WHAT PETAC is all about. Exercising our FREEDOM to make choices that we believe BENEFIT our offspring despite the YAP of the NAYSAYER or PUBLIC OPINION. It is OUR OFFSPRING and OUR ECONOMIC RESOURCES. Who will DO this for us? WE CAN DO THIS!
WE CAN DO THIS! WHAT IF THE THINKING AND MINDSET MARKETED TO THEIR BRAINS COULD BE MORE POSITIVE AND FORWARD THINKING? EXAMPLE: DON'T: MONEY=DRUGS VS. DO: MONEY=DIVIDENDS CLICK HERE TO READ ARTICLE Until the lion has his or her own storyteller, the hunter will always have the best part of the story. How much TRUE HISTORY U know is how far YOUR CHILDREN will grow. Knowledge of Your History + Knowledge of Their History=Equality EXAMPLE: 0 years + (-150 years)= (-150 years) of OPPRESSION I had this insight while watching a local Sesquicentennial Play with my family tonight. Out of a fairly crowded theatre...there were probably 10 African Americans in the playhouse. That means our family made up 50% of ALL AFRICAN AMERICANS. When WE DO NOT take the time to educate our children about OUR OWN FAMILY GENEAOLOGY... and then ... we only learn the NEGATIVE ASPECTS of THEIR GENEAOLOGY...DUH. U HAVE HIDDEN AND BLATANT RACISM passed down generation after generation. U HAVE AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILDREN MARGINALIZED IN PUBLIC CLASSROOMS because they DO NOT have enough HOME EXPOSURE to their own proud and precious family heritage, cultures and legacy. They are NOT EQUIPPED to compete. The equation CAN NOT prepare or equip them to succeed on EQUAL mindset with peers from other cultures who ARE EQUIPPED with their history. What is taught in school is not a substitute to what MUST BE TAUGHT AT HOME. WAKE UP. Stop waiting around for someone to DO this for U. DIYAH DO IT YOURSELF AT HOME. "U CAN DO IT. WE CAN HELP." #THANKGODFORCARTERGWOODSON #EDUCATIONIMPORTANTGEARFORLIFE "...But since social networks online tend to reflect social networks in real life, the wealthier kids have more people to draw on digitally to help advance their education and careers. (Parents in the top fifth of the economic hierarchy have 20% to 25% more friends than parents in the bottom fifth, and they know people in a far wider range of occupations, studies show.) In fact, the social connections common to the wealthy may be even more important in an age where everyone can freely download all the world’s information, Putnam says. “Just because teens can get access to a technology that can connect them to anyone anywhere does not mean that they have equal access to knowledge and opportunity.” Anyone can access HBCU kidz, Inc. from anywhere. "...Homage is seeking to make a change in the American hotel industry, in which African Americans own less than 1% by opening a new hotel in downtown Oakland, CA. Though the vast majority of black owned hotels are a franchise of Marriott or Hilton, the Oakland hotel is slated to be independently and black owned..."
"...almost half of African-American and Native American families,were low income. Furthermore, over a third of African-American and Latino working families fell into the lowest income bracket, earning less than $32,000 a year..." Click here to read STUDY!
DO U think like a racist? This test claims it can identify it even when U can NOT!
It is very important that the first images and impressions of self worth and value are considered as high priority for our FUTURE DREAMERS, LEADERS AND ACHIEVERS.
advocate (n.) mid-14c., "one whose profession is to plead cases in a court of justice," a technical term from Roman law, from Old French avocat "barrister, advocate, spokesman," from Latin advocatus "one called to aid; a pleader, advocate," noun use of past participle of advocare "to call" (as witness or advisor) from ad- "to" (see ad-) + vocare"to call," related to vocem (see voice (n.)). Also in Middle English as "one who intercedes for another," and "protector, champion, patron." Feminine forms advocatess, advocatrice were in use in 15c." Source: Onlyne Etymology Dictionary Black Parent ConnectOur mission is to create, support and report activity that removes BARRIERS for children of our members. Archives
July 2020
Forming NOW!
Our family is working with like minds to DO vs. YAP. We are forming a progressive membership organization of trained advocates that acts to improve the lives of those whose voices are unheard.
Our PETAC investigates our areas of concern.
Nobody seems to care until our concern is ...
1-Heard by boardroom
2-Felt by stockprice