On Friday, March 11, 2016 I had the pleasure of attending the Successful Innovations, Inc. 2016 National Family Engagement Summit held in Richmond, VA at the Hilton Hotel-Short Pump. It was an awesome 2 day conference that began on Thursday, March 10.
On Friday, March 11, 2016 I had the pleasure of attending the Successful Innovations, Inc. 2016 National Family Engagement Summit held in Richmond, VA at the Hilton Hotel-Short Pump. It was an awesome 2 day conference that began on Thursday, March 10.
At 9:00 a.m. in the ballroom we had an amazing presentation by Dr. Karen Mapp of Harvard University. She highlighted the lack of formal training provided to new teachers competency in FAMILY ENGAGEMENT. She also discussed the need to concurrently provide new skills and training to family members.
Dr. Mapp presented her professional framework for engagement.
According to her framework there are 5 essential supports.
**It impacts teacher retention! Especially in underserved population-$ ECONOMICS!!
NAFSCME (National Association for Family, School and Community Engagement (130 districts are members)
States are including proficiency in family engagement in evaluation
Barriers: Capacity Compass vs. a Roadmap
Dual Capacity Framework was explained. EQUAL EFFORT ON STAFF AND FAMILY!
She reminded us that 1% of Title 1 Funds are for Family Engagement
Criteria linked to learning and development-LEARN BY DOING
Don’t look at family engagement as a SERVICE it is DEVELOPMENTAL!
Asset based lens vs. a deficit based lens
We watched a very eye opening video of an example of a school that successfully turned around its academic warning status using FAMILY ENGAGEMENT as an effective tool.
Academic Parent Teacher Meeting (APT)
We had one break out session. I attended the session on “Utilizing Technology and Social Media to Build Welcoming Environments” which was led by Andy Hicks and Bennetta Washington, District Family Engagement Liason Coordinator for Petersburg City Public Schools.
After the break out session we had networking time and a jazz luncheon .
Mark Merrill, President of Family First provided the final key note and closing talk for the Summit.
He shared that LOVE is a basic need of all. Many things are healed through its deployment.
He discussed whether we are operating out of a TITLE vs. a TESTIMONY=”Loving Leader”
He shared the scripture Mathew 22:37 and that LOVE is the greatest thing!
Love GOD
“Who is your neighbor?” he asked that we consider ALL.
Love is giving what is in the other person’s interest.
Love is unconditional=Regardless
He showed a video to illustrate
The 3 MS we need to love others well
M=Your Make up/Identity/Your value
M=Method-How we can validate others
Being intentional. Listen more and lecture less.
He showed a video to illustrate
“What has given U pain in life?”
“U can only have a life worth meaning if U give it away!”
“Turn your pain into passion and communicate your message”
He showed a video to illustrate
Overall it was an excellent day filled with great networking opportunities .
I spoke to a few vendors and have materials that I will provide to Paula Brumfield for our district.
I highly recommend this conference and noticed that other districts sent multiple representatives.
NEXT YEAR’S CONFERENCE DATES: March 16-17, 2017 in Richmond, VA
Dr. Mapp presented her professional framework for engagement.
According to her framework there are 5 essential supports.
- Leadership-Distribution-able to leave the building and focus on other needs because staff is trained to operate interdependently
- Professional Capacity-A learning community
- Student Centered Culture-What is best for our children?
- Great instructional guidance
- Strong Parent and Community Engagement
**It impacts teacher retention! Especially in underserved population-$ ECONOMICS!!
NAFSCME (National Association for Family, School and Community Engagement (130 districts are members)
States are including proficiency in family engagement in evaluation
Barriers: Capacity Compass vs. a Roadmap
Dual Capacity Framework was explained. EQUAL EFFORT ON STAFF AND FAMILY!
- Linked to learning
- Relational
- Developmental
- Collaborative
- Interactive
She reminded us that 1% of Title 1 Funds are for Family Engagement
Criteria linked to learning and development-LEARN BY DOING
- Do families leave knowing more than before they came?
- Do families have a chance to PRACTICE the new skills before they leave?
Don’t look at family engagement as a SERVICE it is DEVELOPMENTAL!
Asset based lens vs. a deficit based lens
- Capability increase-Culturally conscience
- Larger social network
- Beliefs change about the community
- Confidence increases
We watched a very eye opening video of an example of a school that successfully turned around its academic warning status using FAMILY ENGAGEMENT as an effective tool.
Academic Parent Teacher Meeting (APT)
- What are your hopes and dreams for your child?
- Introduction-Welcome/Icebreaker
- Foundational Skills and Data
- Home Learning Activity
- Goal Setting
We had one break out session. I attended the session on “Utilizing Technology and Social Media to Build Welcoming Environments” which was led by Andy Hicks and Bennetta Washington, District Family Engagement Liason Coordinator for Petersburg City Public Schools.
After the break out session we had networking time and a jazz luncheon .
Mark Merrill, President of Family First provided the final key note and closing talk for the Summit.
He shared that LOVE is a basic need of all. Many things are healed through its deployment.
- Poverty
- Prison
- Out of wedlock births
He discussed whether we are operating out of a TITLE vs. a TESTIMONY=”Loving Leader”
He shared the scripture Mathew 22:37 and that LOVE is the greatest thing!
Love GOD
“Who is your neighbor?” he asked that we consider ALL.
Love is giving what is in the other person’s interest.
Love is unconditional=Regardless
He showed a video to illustrate
The 3 MS we need to love others well
M=Your Make up/Identity/Your value
M=Method-How we can validate others
Being intentional. Listen more and lecture less.
He showed a video to illustrate
“What has given U pain in life?”
“U can only have a life worth meaning if U give it away!”
“Turn your pain into passion and communicate your message”
He showed a video to illustrate
Overall it was an excellent day filled with great networking opportunities .
I spoke to a few vendors and have materials that I will provide to Paula Brumfield for our district.
I highly recommend this conference and noticed that other districts sent multiple representatives.
NEXT YEAR’S CONFERENCE DATES: March 16-17, 2017 in Richmond, VA