We assist each village member and his or her family in maximizing their household income each month with discounts and provide high quality products and services for children of color!
Black Parent Connect companies support the needs and wants of the FUTURE DREAMERS, LEADERS AND
ACHIEVERS in the 21st century family.
2015 Ad space packages and benefits are flexible ranging from 6 months up to 12 months.
Black Parent Connect companies support the needs and wants of the FUTURE DREAMERS, LEADERS AND
ACHIEVERS in the 21st century family.
2015 Ad space packages and benefits are flexible ranging from 6 months up to 12 months.
- Displayed on two unique and inspiring websites (HBCUkidz.co and BlackParentConnect.com)
- Featured on popular and engaging blog (Black Parent Connect)
- Live and Recorded interview on TalkShoe DOT com
- Promotion on 7 FACEBOOK LIKE pages!
- Featured product on 100 glossy custom promotional flyers (50 are included in HBCU kidz, Inc. customer shipments and 50 are provided to you)
- Featured product in Black Parent Connect Boutique. Direct shipped from you or from us. Your choice!
- Prices are affordable. The pricing is determined by the SIZE of ad and DURATION of promotional campaign!
Below are the sizes of the ads that will displayed throughout our site of outstanding companies committed to high quality and responsive service to our site visitors and village members.
We GROW stronger as WE link!
Premium Advertising Package
$300.00 - $600.00
$300.00 - $600.00
Standard Advertising Package
$150.00 - $300.00
$150.00 - $300.00
Budget Advertising Package
$60.00 - $120.00
$60.00 - $120.00
PETAC Sponsor
$5.00 - $100.00
$5.00 - $100.00