Why continue to mindlessly fund the products and services that cause our community so much pain ?
Why continue to mindlessly fund the businesses and politicians in our communities that dont speak up for our people in times of crisis and need ?
Boycott them and Buy from business owners that are supporting us and the DREAMERS, LEADERS and ACHIEVERS in our families!
Lets Do Like Malcolm X !
#LikeMalcolmX is an ongoing project that will commence on the 90th birth date of a courageous leader,
May 19, 2015.
Why continue to mindlessly fund the businesses and politicians in our communities that dont speak up for our people in times of crisis and need ?
Boycott them and Buy from business owners that are supporting us and the DREAMERS, LEADERS and ACHIEVERS in our families!
Lets Do Like Malcolm X !
#LikeMalcolmX is an ongoing project that will commence on the 90th birth date of a courageous leader,
May 19, 2015.
verb boy·cott \ˈbȯi-ˌkät\ : to refuse to buy, use, or participate in (something) as a way of protesting : to stop using the goods or services of (a company, country, etc.) until changes are made |
verb \ˈbī\ : to get (something) by paying money for it of money : to be able to get something : to accept or believe (something) as true |